Service Times: 9am | 10:30am | 12pm

Give Online

Generosity is our lifestyle

Our goal, as Jesus followers, is to be the most generous people on the planet. We believe we are blessed to be a blessing. We give as a response to a God who first gave everything for us.

How To Give Online

Your generosity enables us to Show Jesus to the World.

As Jesus’ followers, our goal is to be the most generous people in the world. Our giving is a response to a God who selflessly gave His all for us in His ultimate act of love and generosity: sending His Son, Jesus.

Giving our time, talents, and finances back to God and His house is our genuine response to understanding the generosity of a benevolent God.

“Honor the Lord with your wealth, with the best of everything you produce.

Proverbs 3:10


Why Should I Give?
When you tithe, you are entrusting your finances to God. Tithing is a biblical principle, as God calls us to give Him the first 10% of our income back to Him. We’ve witnessed God’s abundant provision in our church, and we believe He will abundantly provide for you and your family when you prioritize Him in your finances. It’s the one area in the Bible where God invites you to put Him to the test.
Where can I access my giving history?
To view your giving history, visit our giving platform (include link to Kindred) and log in by clicking ‘Your Account.’ Once logged in, select ‘Manage Account’ and then click ‘Transactions’ on the left-hand menu to view your payment history. If you notice any discrepancies, kindly reach out to us at
How can I give?
You can give easily and safely by one of the following ways: Text to Give, online, (need to write the third option). Contribute a one-time gift or set up recurring giving using your checking account, debit, or credit card.
Can I make one giving account for my spouse and me?
On our giving platform, each contribution is assigned to the individual giver. As a result, both you and your spouse will receive separate giving statements at the year’s end for tax-related matters.
Why Give to Awakening Church?
When you give to Awakening Church, you become a part of something extraordinary & God does something amazing. He takes your gifts and multiplies them beyond what we can fathom. Your tithe becomes part of God’s plan to resource the local church, enabling us to carry out God’s work on Earth, both in your community and globally, through mission partners. Know that we uphold your donations with unwavering stewardship, ethical business standards, and full accountability so that the financial integrity of Awakening Church remains beyond reproach.
Will my credit card details be retained?
Your payment information will only be saved in our system if you opt to store it, which can be done when scheduling a recurring gift.
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